The Faye Fortune Story

Faye Fortune
Faye's philosophy? Help people.

Faye began her business because she wanted to help people. Good intentions aren't always a good marketing plan, but 25 years later, she's still in business and looking ahead.

She started her career as a nurse in 1963 because of her care for people. In 1977 our family had an opportunity to live in France. Her work wouldn't give her a leave of absense, so she ended that career to enjoy time with us.
Faye and her kids in Paris. I'm the little brunette.

When our family returned to Canada, Faye took the appropriate courses and became an attendance counsellor with a local school board. (see a people pattern here?) As this career was demanding and our family's needs had changed, Faye was bitten with the entrepreneurial bug and began her business.

She loved to sew and she loved people. Faye now has seamstresses that she works with to accomodate the growth of the business.
By providing top quality fabrics and window coverings, Faye loves to help people get a good night's sleep, have more privacy and finish the decor of their rooms.
Faye has been helping home owners with their decorating needs in the Ottawa area since 1987. She's also worked with many designers and decorators and their clients
We decorate mainly with designer fabrics. Upholstery and re-upholstery, headboards, bedding, pillows and window treatments. Our favourite is drapery! Visit Faye Fortune Drapery Design for more information about our company.

I'm her daughter Heather and have been working officially in the business since 2006, even though I grew up around it. You might say, she has helped me on more than one occasion! I love blogging and sharing info and advice with our customers and design friends!

Good choice for patio door window covering

Home owners and their pets

Pillow decisions

Cindy's Place

Dale's Home

Natalie's House

Jump on the drapery banding wagon

Get your drapery rings and things moving

White on white decorating

Insulation for windows in winter

Decorative pillows

Window drapery ideas

What are roman blinds?

Making your bathroom look bigger

Reasons not to have silk in your kitchen

How drapery and curtains can change your life